When Opposites Attract: Ray Han Fucks Christopher Daniels

Posted December 13, 2013 2:33 AM by with 1 comment

Although Ray Han and Christopher Daniels both have beards, the similarities end there:

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Swarthy Ray Han has mysteriously dark, deep-set eyes and a mischievous smirk on his face that suggest he’s been up to no good. He’s got a smooth, muscular body with a smattering of tattoos that look like he might have gotten in prison.

Clean-cut, tattoo-less, and occasionally bespectacled Christopher Daniels has clear blue eyes, reddish-blond hair and a sweet, approachable smile (and, yes, he happens to be every bit as sweet and approachable as he looks).

ray han fucks christopher daniels

So when Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels in a new scene on Dominic Ford, the results are explosive, like when matter collides with antimatter, or when the first person accidentally put their chocolate in someone else’s peanut butter and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was born. They’re two great tastes that taste even better together … more images and animated .gifs after of this excellent pairing the jump …

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels ray-han-fucks-christopher-daniels3

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

Ray Han fucks Christopher Daniels

So do you like when studios pair two different guys for a scene or do you prefer homogeneity?
Who are two of the most polar opposite gay porn stars you’d like to see paired together? 
Does this change your opinion on twincest porn?
Are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups your favorite candy or are you more of the gummy bear / sour patch kid type?


Watch Ray Han fuck Christopher Daniels on DominicFord.com

Watch Ray Han and Conner Maguire fuck Hunter Page in Truckload
Watch Christopher Daniels on NakedSword
Watch Ray Han on NakedSword

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One response to When Opposites Attract: Ray Han Fucks Christopher Daniels

  1. T-Bird December 13th, 2013 at 7:48 PM

    Sometimes they gif’s are ok but more times than not gimme the still shots anyday. Ray Han ia hot as hell btw.


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