Love, Gay Porn Style

Posted February 14, 2008 1:44 AM by with 3 comments

steven scarborough gay porn

I can’t say I’ve ever actually read an article in S.F. bar-rag Gloss Magazine. Not that I don’t thoroughly enjoy flipping through the colorful pages of mostly sex club and circuit party ads every week. In fact, whenever I see a new issue, I announce, “My favorite magazine!” and snatch one up. I’m drawn to it for the same inexplicable reason why I’ll watch the same infomercial over and over.

Imagine my surprise when I not only read — but was strangely touched by — this week’s cover story on two of my favorite people in the gay porn industry, Hot House’s Steven Scarborough and Brent Smith. In the frank piece, they prove that two people can have a very normal, very loving relationship despite being surrounded by the craziness of this industry. They talk about their sobriety, dealing with jealousy, and making their bed together every morning.


The interview was written by Sister Roma and Lord Martine but is only available online as this unwieldy musical PDF (click here, but you’ve been warned). Otherwise, pick one up if you’re in SF this weekend for the GAYVN Awards.


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3 responses to Love, Gay Porn Style

  1. whatever February 15th, 2008 at 12:57 PM

    Calm down Buddy. The only thing similar about those 2 is their hair. Big deal.


  2. mr. Pam February 15th, 2008 at 1:53 PM

    yay! I heart Steven & Brent! You both are so sweet, friendly and create an amazing product! woohoo… go Hot House!! Happy Valentines Day sexy Boys!

    big hugs & sweetheart licks…
    mr. Pam


  3. Sister Roma! February 15th, 2008 at 2:07 PM

    Jack – Thanks for your heartfelt story about Steven and Brent’s interview. But I must admit, reading that you “can’t say that you’ve ever read an article…” in gloss hurts! You DO know I write my own column for the magazine every month, don’t you? ; )

    XOXO Roma


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