Ban Marriage!

Posted May 26, 2004 11:34 PM by with 0 comments

I spent the weekend in New York at a wedding. Not only was it creepy and Stepford-stylie, but midway through the service the bride and groom left the alter to pray to Madonna for children. What’s next — praying to Oprah for prosperity? Somebody stop me.

Anyhow, I was left with the foul taste of heterosexual monogamy in my mouth and I could only pray to St. Courtney for blessing me with a job in gay pornography.

I could rant on like Aunt Ida but honestly I’d rather have some cock.

The modern battle between cock and companionship dominates the table talk in the fourth installment of Michael Lucas’ stellar Fire Island Cruising series. The legendary Russian porn star tackles the age-old question of gay relationships — all the while tackling his houseguests’ temptations with a lengthy buffet of hot gay sex.



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