Latest AIDS Healthcare Foundation Overreach: Subpoena Medical Records Of Porn Performers

Posted August 25, 2015 2:35 PM by with 0 comments

AHF subpoena adult performers medical records

If only you could use your powers for good instead of evil. Yes, Mike Weinstein and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), I am calling you out. Rather than embracing PrEP and what it means to the mind, body and spirit of our community, you have shameless poured millions of dollars into a misinformation campaign based on fear and slut shaming – with the adult entertainment community especially in your cross hairs.

At our sister publication, The Sword, they wrote how the proposed regulations would go far beyond mandating condoms (Measure B) and actually require safety goggles for performers.

While on the surface, ‘Measure B’ doesn’t seem unreasonable, NakedSword CEO Tim Valenti has broke down the inside baseball of all of this: it is to the determent of those very people it should be protecting.

The FSC is the trade association for the adult entertainment industry. They have just issued an alert that the AHF is upping their “Big Brother’ gambit: they now want the health screening centers to turn over the testing records of adult performers.

“Earlier this week, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) served several testing centers with subpoenas, asking them to turn over confidential patient privacy data as part of their lawsuit on Measure B.

These subpoenas are unconscionable, indecent and offensive. Performers deserve better than to have would be ‘porn czar’ Michael Weinstein peaking through their blinds and snooping through their private medical records. We call on Michael Weinstein to call off this noxious campaign, and for the board of AIDS Healthcare Foundation to #RemoveWeinstein”

What the AHF is more likely to accomplish is make not just adult performers, but our community in general, less likely to get tested by injecting the possibility of your personal results becoming a matter of public record into the conversation.


From 2013, adult performers James Deen and Wicked Pictures contract star Jessica Drake show L.A. voters what Measure B is really all about – including gloves, goggles, dental dams – which would be required for adult film production.

(h/t Joe.My.God)

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